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I saw this on someone else's blog and was curious how long our little famly would survive. I have been trying hard to work on our food storage and have been doing okay. For the last year I have had this very strong feeling of urgency to obtain our 2 year supply of food storage. Last summer I bought a year supply of flour (I am very grateful now because of the flour shortage panic). Little by little I have stocked up and after I counted all of the pounds of food we have, I felt a little better about our food storage. By all means we still need more! The one thing that I am very paranoid about is having enough drinking water, so slowly but surely I have been rinsing out any plastic containers we have and filling them up with water, and we have accumulated quite a bit but not enough for 262 days. How long could you and your family survive?
Monday, March 31, 2008
How Is Your Food Storage?
Posted by
2:48 PM
Last week Ryan brought home some daffodills from work. They are soooo pretty! I loved them and love having a bit of spring amidst the snow (again)! I have such a good husband!
Posted by
1:54 PM
Baby Name Poll
I changed my template and it deleted the baby name poll! We like having your inpute so please vote again! Sorry!
Posted by
1:53 PM
21 weeks
I had Ryan take a picture of me last week and am just now getting around to posting it, sorry! This is my 21 week belly! The little one is growing stronger and stronger with the kicks and punches but I love it. Besides the yucky cold that we keep passing around I feel great and finally look a little pregnant! This Thursday we have our target ultrasound and will find out how big she is!
Posted by
10:32 AM
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Happy Easter!
For Easter Weekend we traveled up to Rexburg to spend the weekend with the Erickson clan! It was a blast! Scotty danced in Extravadance on the BYU-I campus and we were able to watch him. He did so good and it was fun to watch him dance again. Kim and Sean came up for the weekend too and Emma had so much fun with Carter. Saturday we had a Easter Egg hunt for the kids and then we went bowling. Mike and Shay were able to come as well and it was so much fun to see them. We haven't seen them for a while and it made us really miss living around family! Saturday night we went to Extravadance to watch Scott and then Sunday the Easter Bunny came. I didn't get any pictures of Emma searching through her basket because I was in bed sick with a nasty cold.. no fun! The Easter Bunny brought Emma a jump rope, fingernail polish, sunglasses, and new Mermaid underwear! Everyone went to church while I rested. Emma's Easter dress is so cute, but I didn't get a picture of her so I need to dress her up again so I can get a picture. Sunday afternoon we were able to go to Grandma and grandpa Erickson's for dinner with the Parkinson's and it was so much fun seeing everyone! All in all we had a great weekend!
It was realy hard to get a picture of the kids because they were moving so fast collecting eggs. Emma was especially fast, stealing eggs from Carter! Sorry Carter!
Grandma reading Carter and Emma a book. Playing with Grandpa!
Emma crashed on the couch from a fun filled weekend!
Posted by
12:05 PM
Warm Weather... Finally!
I love the warm(er) weather! It has been in the fifties the last few days and it is wonderful! We can finally leave the house without freezing. Emma has been practicing riding her bike and is getting much better! It was sunny outside so she requested some sunglasses. What a cutie, I can't believe how big she is getting!
Posted by
11:59 AM
Easter Eggs!
While Grandma and Grandpa Skene were visiting for the weekend we dyed Easter eggs! (Even though it was the week before Easter!) Emma was so excited and as was Julie! I was very nervous that Emma would stain her clothes so I made her take her shirt off. It was so much fun! I bought a glitter dying egg kit, so we got to glitter the eggs after they were dyed. What a fun weekend we had!
Our finished product!
Posted by
11:40 AM
Disney Princess' on Ice!
As an early birthday present, we bought tickets to Disney Princess' on Ice! Emma was SOOOOOO excited! She dressed up in her cute little Cinderella outfit and was ready to go! She was so excited and had the hardest time staying still for just one picture. Grandma and Grandpa Skene joined us on this wonderful adventure! When we walked into the Energy Solutions Arena it took everything I had to not bawl, it was so amazing (I am pregnant so I cry at everything)! I couldn't believe all of the little girls all dressed up and the feeling in that arena, it was pure happiness! Emma was so occupied trying to say hi to all of her "friends" and pointing out every princess and their dress! We had such good seats and even Ryan was all smiles! The show started and it was amazing. Emma knew every princess before they even came out. The ice skaters were wonderful even if there were a few crashes! Lumiere (the candlestick) from Beauty and the Beast tipped over and couldn't get back up because of his costume! I tried so hard to get some good pictures but it was really hard so these are the best I have.
The dragon from Sleeping Beauty blew fire from his mouth and it scared Emma so bad! If you were to ask her what her favorite part from the show was now she would say, "the dragon blew fire from his mouth!"
If you ever have the chance to attend any Disney show on Ice you should go! It was so much fun and I loved watching the stars and amazement in Emma's eyes. We had so much fun!
Posted by
11:21 AM
My Little Cake Decorator
I have enrolled in some cake decorating classes so I can start to advertise and Emma has taken quite the interest! While making icing for my class Emma wanted on the counter to help. Well after a little powdered sugar mishap she ended up like this! It was so funny and she didn't seem to mind too much.
I gave Emma a bag of frosting with a star tip so she could practice like Mommy and she did really well! Of course the best part was tasting!
Posted by
11:13 AM
Jax is our little kitten, or should I say devil kitten. He is lucky to be alive most days! The little stinker loves to try and eat Bruce (our pet fish),chase Emma around the house until she is in tears, and he will bite anything the moves. If you could remove his teeth I am sure he would be a pleaseant little thing but until then, I can't stand him! We still squirt him with a water bottle but he LOVES water. I have to lock him out of the bathroom while showering because he jumps right in. Now that Emma is potty trained I have to remind her to close the lid for the very reason that the cat will jump in the toilet bowl, flushed or not! Jax does have his sweet moments otherwise I would have thrown him out the door!
Posted by
11:05 AM
While at my parents house for my Grandpa's funeral, Emma found her new favorite game, Twister! She spins the board and then puts either her hands or feet on the coordinated color. She usually ended up looking like this until she tipped over. It was pretty fun to watch her.
Posted by
10:57 AM
Friday, March 7, 2008
Emma's quote of the day
While on the phone with Grandma Skene this morning, Emma had a change of thought pertaining to another sibling.
G. Skene: Emma, are you excited to be a big sister?
Emma: No.
G. Skene: It will be fun to have a little sister though.
Emma: No, I want to be a little sister, not a big sister.
G. Skene: You don't want to be a big sister?
Emma: No just a little sister!
Posted by
2:58 PM
Our little artist
Emma's new favorite thing to draw is faces. Her many "faces" are complete with eyes, noses, mouths full of teeth, hair, and sometimes ears. Here is her showing off her beautiful work! (Ignore the fact that she is still in her pajamas and the messy house behind her :)
Here is a close up of her beautiful artwork. She is getting pretty good!
Posted by
2:51 PM
Thursday, March 6, 2008
It's a .......!
We had a doctor's appointment today and the official ultrasound said that we are having a GIRL! Yep that is right, another girl and we are so excited! The last few ultrasounds have speculated pretty close to the boy direction but it was obvious in this ultrasound, 100% all pink. I have felt like we were having a boy all along until last week when I completely switched to knowing that it was a girl. Ryan was a little disappointed , but not as much as Emma. She started to cry on our way to the car when we informed her it was really a little sister. She was also set on a baby brother, but we are most and importantly thankful that the little one is very much healthy and thriving well!
Posted by
1:53 PM