Thursday, December 17, 2009

Countdown.... 12 days

The date is set for little girl #3! I am getting induced Decemeber 28th, woohoo! My doctor is leaving out of town the next day for a week, we live an hour away from the hospital, I am strep B postive again, and my mom was coming through town the 27th, so the 28th seemed perfect. Can I just say how much I LOVE being induced? I really do love it, it is so nice to have some sort of control and I am much less stressed about who will take the girls while we are at the hospital. Our hospital doesn't allow visitors under the age of 16 AND I only get 2 visitors the entire time I am there. I am way OK with that, peace and quiet :o) I am really hoping my labor goes as smoothly as Sofie's did, I actually enjoyed labor! I am sure there will be some sort of curveball, there always is :o) Sofie had the cord around her neck twice so with every contraction her heartrate would drop, scary but she was ok. It is so exciting, the end is near! This pregnancy has been very relaxed and easy, but I am still excited to be done :o) Yay for #3!!


Chelsea Haight said...

Exciting! I loved being induced too. It went really smoothly. Yeah for another December birthday!