So I am finally updating our blog. Sorry! We have had a very busy month and are glad to have December to rest until Christmas. Things have been going good for us, Emma as usual is a handful, but still the cutest thing ever. I was going to post around the middle of the month but Ryan informed me that the blog was too "girly" and he was going to take over so I wasn't allowed to post anything. Well.... you can see how well that worked out! :-) He is too cute!
Lets see, where to start. I can't remember anything before Thanksgiving because it all went by in a blur, so we will just start with Thanksgiving and go from there.
Thanksgiving was a blast. We went to Ririe to spend it with my family this year and it was so much fun. My mom came down and stayed with us on Monday and then she went up with us to Idaho on Wednesday. Every time Grandma would leave to room or house Emma would get all sad and say, "Grandma not go to Idaho yet." She is too funny. Thanksgiving was really fun, we had a lot of family there and the boys left for their annual Green River Fishing trip Thanksgiving night. My mom and I got up at 4 am Friday morning to go shopping (I know we are crazy). We got everything we wanted in one store and were back at Grandma's Cook house by 6:30am. After that we crashed for an hour until Emma woke up! My mom bought me a new camera for my birthday and I love it! (Hence all of the pictures you are about to see)
Saturday we just crashed and the men all came home from their fishing trip. Ryan said he had a lot of fun, so that is good! Sunday we went to church at my parent's ward and then visited Ryan's family in the evening and then drove home! Overall Thanksgiving was wonderful! I can't believe Christmas is sneaking up on us this fast. We are soooo excited to go to a cabin with all of Ryan's family for Christmas!
Emma and her many silly faces!
Ready to go to church with Uncle Luke!
My cousin Sariah is 5 years old and was so very kind enough to give her Dora the Explorer bike to Emma. It was going to the DI when they thought of Emma! I am so glad because she loves it. Her legs are barely long enough to reach the peddles.
Well since we have been home Emma has been busy at causing destruction. Including opening up all of the Christmas presents I had just wrapped for her. I was in the shower and when I got out all I could hear was paper ripping. I knew exactly what she was doing and hurry and took a picture of the destruction and then she got in trouble. What a stinker!
Our little kitten Jax is getting so big. I have had a harder time keeping him out of the tree than I have Emma! He is a crazy cat. He loves the water. I have to lock him out of the bathroom whenever anyone takes a bath because he jumps right in. You also have to be very quick when lifting the seat of the toilet to sit down because again, he will jump right in. Squirting him with a water bottle when he gets in trouble does nothing. But all in all we really love him and he is so cuddly I love it!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
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2:49 PM
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Happy Halloween!
We had so much fun yesterday! Emma is so stinkin' cute. She loved her Incredibles costumes and loved getting candy! First we went to Ryan's work to trick or treat. It was awesome, we got a ton of candy (oops I mean Emma got a lot of candy :), most full size candy bars. It was great! Then we went to the ward trunk or treat. Our ward is very small, so we usually combine with another ward in our stake, and they combine with the whole neighborhood. There were so many people, I was very surprised. I ran out of candy half way through, oops! But Emma received another bucket full of candy and had a blast! We parked next to some friends of ours and they have a little girl Emma's age and the two of them were a riot! Hope you all had a very enjoyful day, we sure did!
Emma before we left for trick or treating!
Trunk or Treating with friend Elise.
Emma is admiring her loot after daddy's work and trying to keep the kitty from stealing anything!
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2:03 PM