Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Growing Up

This Sunday we went for a drive to Warm River and Mesa Falls. The girls loved it! They loved feeding the fish and enjoyed and warm weather. Brinley thought the bread for the fish was a great treat. Between eating the little pieces that fell on the ground and the pieces of bread floating in the river I think she enjoyed her herself. I couldn't help but take tons of pictures of the girls. Emma and Sofie are so photogenic but Brinley can't hold still long enough so its hard to get a good shot of her. They are all getting so big!

Emma just turned 6 years old. I can't believe how big she is. She is so excited that she FINALLY has a loose tooth. We are so excited for her to start 1st grade this year. Emma is such a great helper. She is so good to her sisters. Brinley sure loves Emma and copies everything she does, it's pretty cute.

Sofie is almost 3 years old. She has finally overcome the terrible two's (I hope). Sofie loves to sing and her all-time favorite movie is Tangled. Although anything Mickey Mouse takes a close second. Sofie is so thoughful and loves to give hugs and kisses. She is so cute and getting so big.

Brinley is almost 18 months (nursery time!). She is so fun and full of energy. She keeps me on my toes all the time. Brinley just figured out how to swing her leg up high enough to climb up the kitchen chairs and onto the table. She thinks she is quite smart for figuring that one out. Brinley loves to scream, happy or sad. She has discovered that if she screams enough in Relief Society that I will take her out (not let her down which makes her mad). If I get anywhere near the door to go back in she will scream (nursery time?). We constantly call her a stinker :o) She has quite the attitude for 1 1/2 but she is so stinkin cute, we sure love her. She loves her sisters and follows them around everywhere. I always hear "Memma! Memma!" (Emma) She loves to copy Emma, but Sofie and her sure butt heads. They are all so much fun :o)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Our NEW Home

We have decided to build a home in Rigby and are super excited! We are hoping it is done mid-August and they are starting to dig this week. Yay! Here it is: (Click on picture to enlarge)


Daylight Basement

We are so lucky so be building this home. We found a great deal and are getting everything we wanted and more! It will sit on a 1.04 acre lot and will have granite countertops in the kitchen and all the bathrooms(awesome!). Plus the basement will be finished too :o) I am really excited about the mud room and the awesome laundry. Under the stairs in the basement we are putting in a little door and window in the closet so it will be a fun little play area for the kids. We will have so much room and are excited to have lots of visitors too :o) Any one want to come pick colors with me (I don't know where to start)?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Emma's 5th Birthday Cake: Princess Tiana

Wedding Cake in August, it was one of the best ones I've done! I hand made all of the flowers (except the stephanoitis and rose petals at the bottom). It turned out beautiful!

Friday, September 10, 2010

When I Grow Up.....

Sofie loves her big sister. She wants to be just like her. After Emma left for school the other day Sofie put on her sweater and stood in front of the door and said, "Cheese!" She wanted me to take a picture of her like I did Emma. Funny girl! For the past week she has consistently come to me and told me she needs to go potty. She will take her diaper off (whether I tell her or not) and will sit on her little potty and pee. She is so proud of herself. I thought it was good practice but really didn't want to potty train her right now. Emma was horrible to potty train so I wanted to wait a while with Sofie. Well this morning she refused to put on a diaper and has gone potty in the toilet consistently. She has only had one accident so far and I have only had to remind her a few times to go potty. Wow. She is awesome and such a big girl. We had Pop Tarts with breakfast this morning so after everytime she went potty she would ask for a pop tart. Funny girl. We ran out of Pop Tarts so we have now moved on to Skittles. Emma cries each time Sofie gets a Skittle so maybe this will help Emma remember to go to the bathroom too!

2nd Day of Kindergarten

Emma loves Kindergarten! I asked her a few questions about school:
What's your favorite part about Kindergarten?
"That we draw."

Do you like riding the bus?
"Yes, I like riding the bus because it's really fun"

What is your teacher's name and what is your most favorite thing about her?
"Mrs. Vance. I like her because she's really nice and I like that she gives us stamps on our papers when we finish them."

What have you learned in Kindergarten?
"We learned about fish and the Pledge of Allegiance and we learned the "3 Little Fishy" song."


Brinley has been crawling for a while now and she has a couple of favorite places.

#1 The magazine rack

#2 Under the table

" Look what I can do mom!"

"I think I'm stuck"

"Why are you still taking pictures of me? I can't get out!"

"You are so mean mom!"

Diaper Cream Anyone?

Brinley got into the diaper cream a few weeks ago and really enjoyed herself :o) "Somehow" the top of the diaper cream tub "just came off." I don't know who opened it for her, no one has fessed up yet. Oh the joys!

Monday, August 30, 2010


Our little Emma is all grown up! Today was her first day of Kindergarten and she was sooo excited! She is in afternoon Kindergarten and her teacher is Mrs. Vance. She seems like a really great teacher so I was relieved :o) We are so blessed to have Emma as our daughter! She is such a wonderful daughter and sister. She is so smart and loves to read and write and color. Emma was so excited when we walked through the doors of the school today. She was holding my hand and then didn't want to anymore. It made me sad but she is so grown up and I hope we have prepared her enough for the crazy world out there. There are two Emma's in her class so she is now Emma E. and she thought that was pretty cool! I can't wait to pick her up and see how her very first day of Kindergarten went! We love you Emma!